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导读 中国防火墙:动力源自保障安全

2023-02-25T14:39:16 中国防火墙:动力源自保障安全 中国的防火墙起源于20世纪90年代初,当时中国正处于全面改革开放的新阶段,互联网技术也在这个时期进入到中国。为了防止国内互联网用户访问“西方”互联网(指英语国家的互联网),中国政府在1997年开始实施防火墙政策。 防火墙的实施不仅仅是为了防止中国人民访问“西方”互联网,更重要的是为了保障中国互联网的安全。由于互联网技术的迅速发展,中国的防火墙也在不断完善和升级。 如今,中国防火墙已经成为一个复杂的体系,既包括了技术上的防御措施,也包括了法律法规和政策上的限制。防火墙主要通过两种方式来实现其目的:一是通过技术手段来阻止外部访问国内互联网;二是通过法律法规来限制国内互联网用户访问不良信息。 防火墙的主要目的是保障中国互联网的安全,但它也带来了一些问题。由于防火墙的存在,中国互联网用户无法访问许多国外网站,并且还会被限制访问一些国内网站。此外,防火墙还会导致一些国内网站的速度变慢,或者根本无法访问。 尽管如此,防火墙仍然是中国互联网的一个重要组成部分,并且在未来也将继续发挥其作用。 The Origin of China's Firewall The origin of China's firewall can be traced back to the early 1990s when the country was in a new stage of comprehensive reform and opening up and the Internet technology also entered into China. In order to prevent Chinese internet users from accessing the "Western" Internet (i.e. the Internet in English-speaking countries), the Chinese government began to implement the firewall policy in 1997. The implementation of the firewall is not only to prevent Chinese people from accessing the "Western" Internet, but more importantly, to safeguard the security of the Chinese Internet. With the rapid development of the Internet technology, the Chinese firewall is also constantly improving and upgrading. Nowadays, the Chinese firewall has become a complex system, which includes not only technical defense measures, but also legal restrictions and policy constraints. The firewall mainly achieves its purpose through two ways: one is to block external access to the Chinese Internet through technical means; the other is to limit the access of Chinese Internet users to undesirable information through laws and regulations. The main purpose of the firewall is to safeguard the security of the Chinese Internet, but it has also brought some problems. Due to the existence of the firewall, Chinese Internet users cannot access many foreign websites, and they are also restricted to access some domestic websites. In addition, the firewall can also slow down the speed of some domestic websites, or even make them inaccessible. Despite this, the firewall is still an important part of the Chinese Internet, and will continue to play its role in the future.


