首页 > 综合精选 > 子《星野桂子:从出道到登上国际舞台的故事》


导读 星野桂子是日本著名舞蹈演员,出生于东京。从小就喜欢舞蹈,9岁时开始学习爵士舞。16岁时,第一次走上舞台表演。之后,他开始学习芭蕾舞,很快成为了一名芭蕾舞演员。桂子在日本舞
2023-03-03T11:51:39 星野桂子是日本著名舞蹈演员,出生于东京。从小就喜欢舞蹈,9岁时开始学习爵士舞。16岁时,第一次走上舞台表演。之后,他开始学习芭蕾舞,很快成为了一名芭蕾舞演员。桂子在日本舞蹈界发展得很快,并很快登上了国际舞台。他曾参演过一些国际著名的舞台剧,例如《芭比之王国》、《美女与野兽》和《天使与魔鬼》等。除了舞蹈表演,他还担任过一些电视节目的主持人和导演,例如《舞动奇迹》和《美丽人生》。 Child "Keiko Star: from debut to the story of the international stage" Keiko Star is a famous Japanese dancer, born in Tokyo. I have loved dance since I was a child. I started learning jazz at the age of 9. I stepped on the stage for the first time at the age of 16. Then he began to learn ballet and quickly became a ballet dancer. Keiko developed quickly in the Japanese dance world and quickly stepped onto the international stage. He has performed in some internationally renowned stage plays, such as "Kingdom of Barbie", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Angels and Demons". In addition to dance performances, he has also hosted and directed some TV programs, such as "Dancing Miracle" and "Beautiful Life".


