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run out翻译(Deplete Your Resources Understanding the Meaning of Run Out)

导读 Deplete Your Resources: Understanding the Meaning of \"Run Out\"
As a phrasal verb, \"run out\" can have different meanings depending on the context in which it

Deplete Your Resources: Understanding the Meaning of \"Run Out\"

As a phrasal verb, \"run out\" can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In general, this expression refers to the depletion of something, whether it is a finite resource, a supply, or even time. This article will explore the different ways in which \"run out\" can be translated into English, as well as provide examples to help you better understand this common expression.

Depletion of a Finite Resource

One of the most common ways in which \"run out\" is used is to describe the depletion of a finite resource. This includes natural resources such as oil, water, or gas, as well as any other type of material that has a limited supply. In this context, \"run out\" can be translated as \"to be exhausted\" or \"to be depleted.\" For instance:

\"The country's oil reserves are expected to run out in the next decade.\"

\"The batteries on my phone are about to run out.\"

\"I'm afraid we've run out of coffee. Would you like tea instead?\"

Exhaustion of a Supply

\"Run out\" can also be used to describe the exhaustion of a supply, whether it is a food item, a medicine, or any other type of product. In this context, \"run out\" can be translated as \"to be used up\" or \"to be depleted.\" Here are some examples:

\"I need to go to the store because we've run out of milk.\"

\"I can't do my laundry today because I've run out of detergent.\"

\"We're sorry but we've run out of seats for tonight's performance.\"

Passage of Time

Finally, \"run out\" can also be used to describe the passage of time. In this context, the phrase can be translated as \"to expire\" or \"to come to an end.\" This can refer to deadlines, visa or passport expiration dates, or even someone's life. Here are some examples:

\"My visa is about to run out so I need to visit the immigration office.\"

\"The warranty on my laptop has run out so I can't get it repaired for free.\"

\"Sadly, my grandmother's time ran out and she passed away last night.\"

In conclusion, \"run out\" is a versatile phrasal verb that can be used to describe the depletion of a resource, the exhaustion of a supply, or the passage of time. By mastering this expression, you'll be able to communicate more effectively in English and better understand the language used by native speakers.


