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普希金名言英文原版(A Collection of Wise Sayings from Alexander Pushkin)

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Alexander Pushkin is one of the most renowned poets and writers in the world. He is widely regarded as the f

A Collection of Wise Sayings from Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Pushkin is one of the most renowned poets and writers in the world. He is widely regarded as the father of Russian literature and his works have been translated into many languages. But beyond being a literary icon, Pushkin was also known for his wisdom and insightful musings. Here are some of his most profound sayings:

On Love and Relationships

\"Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.\"

Pushkin believed that love was something that comes and goes on its own accord and cannot be forced or controlled. He believed that the best way to deal with love is to accept it when it arrives and to let it go when it is time.

On Life and Death

\"Life is a bitter thing, but sweet to those who know how to enjoy it.\"

Despite acknowledging the hardships of life, Pushkin believed that life was still worth living and that it was important to find joy and happiness in it. He believed that those who knew how to appreciate life, even in the face of adversity, would find it sweet.

\"Death is a mystery, and burial is a secret.\"

Pushkin recognized the enigmatic nature of death and burial. He believed that death was something that cannot be fully understood or explained, and burial was a private and intimate affair.

On Writing and Creativity

\"The poet should be great at a little bit of everything and not specialise in anything.\"

Pushkin believed that a good poet should have a well-rounded education and knowledge in various fields. He thought that specialization in one area would limit one's creativity and prevent them from seeing the broader view of things.

\"The secret to being a good writer is to live an interesting life.\"

Pushkin believed that the best way to be a good writer was to have meaningful experiences in life. He thought that life experiences provided the writer with the necessary insights and ideas to create meaningful works of art.

In conclusion, Alexander Pushkin's sayings are timeless and continue to inspire people to this day. His wise words on love, life, death, and creativity are a testament to his remarkable wisdom and insight.


