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rectangle(Rectangle A Shape with Four Right Angles)

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A rectangle is a polygon with four sides and four right angles. It is one of the most common and easily r

Rectangle: A Shape with Four Right Angles


A rectangle is a polygon with four sides and four right angles. It is one of the most common and easily recognizable shapes in geometry. In this article, we will explore the properties, formulas, and real-life applications of rectangles.

Properties of Rectangles

A rectangle is characterized by several key properties. Firstly, all four angles of a rectangle are right angles, meaning they measure exactly 90 degrees. Additionally, the opposite sides of a rectangle are equal in length, and the adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other.

The diagonals of a rectangle are also of interest. The diagonals are line segments that connect opposite corners of the rectangle. They bisect each other, dividing the rectangle into two congruent right triangles. The length of a diagonal can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Furthermore, rectangles have symmetry properties. They possess two lines of symmetry, known as axes of symmetry, which pass through the midpoint of each pair of opposite sides. These lines divide the rectangle into two equal halves that are mirror images of each other.

Formulas for Rectangles

Rectangles have simple yet useful formulas for calculating their various attributes. The perimeter of a rectangle can be found by adding the lengths of all its sides. Since opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, we can simplify the formula to:

Perimeter = 2 × (length + width)

Similarly, the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying its length and width:

Area = length × width

Lastly, as mentioned before, the length of a diagonal can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem:

Diagonal = √(length² + width²)

Real-Life Applications of Rectangles

Rectangles are prevalent in various aspects of our daily lives. One common application is in the construction of buildings, where rectangular shapes are used for walls, doors, windows, and floors. The right angles and equal sides of a rectangle provide stability and symmetry to the structure.

Furthermore, rectangles are widely used in art and design. Paintings, photographs, and posters are often framed in rectangular shapes. The balanced proportions and perpendicular sides of a rectangle create a visually appealing composition.

Rectangles are also present in technology and digital media. Computer screens, television sets, and mobile devices typically have rectangular screens. The aspect ratio of a rectangular screen determines its width-to-height ratio and influences the viewing experience.

In mathematics and engineering, rectangles are utilized in geometric modeling and computer-aided design. They serve as the basis for creating more complex shapes and structures. The precise measurements and right angles of a rectangle provide a foundation for accurate and efficient calculations.


Rectangles are simple yet fundamental shapes. Their properties, formulas, and applications make them an important concept in geometry and everyday life. From construction to art to technology, rectangles play a crucial role in various fields. Understanding the characteristics and versatility of rectangles contributes to a deeper understanding of the world around us.


