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导读 武陵源一中位于我国的西南部,是一所以文化为特色的公立学校。该校的前身是湖南省武陵源县第一中学,建校于1953年。经过60多年的发展,该校已经成为一所集高中阶段教育与普通高
2023-06-01T04:14:39 武陵源一中位于我国的西南部,是一所以文化为特色的公立学校。该校的前身是湖南省武陵源县第一中学,建校于1953年。经过60多年的发展,该校已经成为一所集高中阶段教育与普通高中教育于一体的综合性学校。 该校占地面积56亩,建筑面积3万平方米,有教学科研、办公、教室、实验室、图书馆、音乐厅、美术室、体育场馆等设施。学校设有高一、高二、高三年级,共计有2个普通高中班、1个中等职业技术学校班和20个特色专业班。特色专业班为:汉语、历史、地理、政治、生物、化学、物理、体育、艺术、外语等。 学校现有师资力量83人,其中专任教师74人,高级职称教师10人。 学校注重学生的全面发展,开设了很多课外活动。学校自开办以来,已经培养了几代人才。许多毕业生已经成为了社会的栋梁。 如今,武陵源一中已经成为了一所国内知名的学校。每年都有许多学生前来报考。 如果你想前往武陵源一中,那么你需要做好准备。首先,你需要了解学校的基本情况。其次,你需要准备好学习资料。最后,你还需要准备好资金。 希望以上这些信息对你有帮助。祝你在武陵源一中学习顺利! Wulingyuan First Middle School is located in southwest China and is a public school with a focus on culture. The school's predecessor was the first middle school in Wulingyuan County, Hunan Province, founded in 1953. After more than 60 years of development, the school has become a comprehensive school integrating secondary education and general secondary education. The school covers an area of 56 mu and a building area of 30,000 square meters. It has facilities such as teaching and research, office, classroom, laboratory, library, music hall, art room, gymnasium, etc. The school has three years of high school, a total of 2 general high school classes, 1 vocational secondary school class and 20 specialty classes. Specialty classes include: Chinese, history, geography, politics, biology, chemistry, physics, sports, art, foreign language, etc. The school has 83 teachers, including 74 full-time teachers and 10 senior professional title teachers. The school attaches great importance to the all-round development of students and offers many extracurricular activities. Since its establishment, the school has trained several generations of talents. Many graduates have become pillars of society. Nowadays, Wulingyuan First Middle School has become a well-known school at home and abroad. Every year, many students come to apply. If you want to go to Wulingyuan First Middle School, then you need to be well prepared. First of all, you need to understand the basic situation of the school. Secondly, you need to prepare for the study materials. Finally, you also need to prepare for the funds. I hope the above information will be helpful to you. I wish you a smooth study in Wulingyuan First Middle School!


