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导读 易容马格斯:一次让你彻底认识自己的旅程


2023-03-10T11:12:02 易容马格斯:一次让你彻底认识自己的旅程 “改变自己的生活,不是逃避它,而是去面对它。” 马格斯是一个旅行家,他曾经去过很多国家,但是他却发现自己从来没有真正去过自己。他总是逃避自己的生活,躲在别人的生活里。直到有一天,他发现了易容,他发现了一种可以改变自己生活的方法。 易容让他可以清楚地看到自己生活的真相。他发现自己一直在逃避自己的生活,躲在别人的生活里。他发现自己的生活是一场虚无缥缈的幻想,而自己则是生活的奴隶。 马格斯开始改变自己的生活。他开始去面对自己的生活,去接受自己的生活。他发现自己真正想要的生活是什么样的。他开始追寻真正的自己。 这是一次让你彻底认识自己的旅程。 “Change your life, not to escape it, but to face it.” Max is a traveler, he has been to many countries, but he never really went to himself. He always escaped his life, hiding in other people's lives. Until one day, he found the facial makeup, he found a way to change his life. Facial makeup let him see the truth of his life clearly. He found that he had been escaping his life, hiding in other people's lives. He found that his life was a dream of nothingness, and he was a slave to life. Max began to change his life. He began to face his life, to accept his life. He found out what kind of life he really wanted. He began to pursue the true self. This is a journey to let you know yourself completely.


