首页 > 大众生活 > 使用天气预报图标掌握未来:一个多国家的研究


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The Use of Weather Forecast Icons to Anticipate the Future: A Multi-Country Study

Most people have looked at a weather forecast and us
2023-03-08T14:52:21 其中可以包含英语标题: The Use of Weather Forecast Icons to Anticipate the Future: A Multi-Country Study Most people have looked at a weather forecast and used the information to plan their day. The icons used in weather forecasts are designed to give us a quick and easy way to see what the weather will be like. But what do these icons actually mean? A recent study looked at how people in different countries interpret weather forecast icons. The study found that there are some common misconceptions about what the icons mean. For example, many people think that the sun icon means that it will be sunny all day. In reality, the sun icon means that there will be some sun during the day, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be sunny all day. The study also found that people in different countries interpret the icons in different ways. In some countries, the icons are interpreted literally, while in others, the icons are interpreted more symbolically. For example, in the United States, the sun icon is often interpreted to mean that it will be a hot day, while in Japan, the sun icon is often interpreted to mean that it will be a fine day. This study shows that we need to be careful when we interpret weather forecast icons. We should always look at the whole forecast, not just the icon, to get a complete picture of what the weather will be like.


