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导读 神奇707特种部队:重返战场

2023-05-27T03:02:16 神奇707特种部队:重返战场 中国海军707特种部队是一支特种作战部队,于2014年11月12日正式成立。该部队的任务是执行海军特种作战任务,包括反恐、海上突击、反潜和防空等任务。 部队由一支海军步兵营、一支海军陆战队营、一支海军海洋防务营和一支海军特种兵营组成。部队拥有先进的武器装备和专业的特种兵训练,能够在各种海上和陆上环境中快速有效地完成任务。 部队的发展标志着中国海军进一步完善了其战斗力,为实现“建设世界一流海军”的目标做出了贡献。 The 707 Special Forces: Returning to the Battlefield The 707 Special Forces of the Chinese Navy is a special operations force established on November 12th, 2014. The mission of the force is to carry out naval special operations missions, including anti-terrorism, maritime assault, anti-submarine and air defense missions. The force is composed of a marine infantry battalion, a marine corps battalion, a marine ocean defense battalion and a marine special forces battalion. The force is equipped with advanced weapons and professional special forces training, and is able to complete missions quickly and effectively in various maritime and land environments. The development of the force marks the further improvement of the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Navy and the contribution to the goal of "building a world-class navy".


